Talking Trivia
As you leaf through these pages you will find a new kind oftrivia. Youve played games at home before, and made teams in yourlocal pub for prizes. Youve guessed while watching your favoritesports team, and argued with your friends about the right answers.You have never seen a trivia game like this before. This is not TrivialPursuit; it is trivia perfection.If your topic is state capitals, then you will find clues like HomerSimpsons Boss, that leads you to Montgomery, Alabama. The thingsfrom your everyday life will send you back in time to past TV, movies,music, and even a school subject or two. You will be amazed atthe unique way to reach the right answers. Guessing has never beenso much fun! Theres something here for everyone, but no one willknow it all. Challenge yourself to see if you have what it takes to playthe perfect trivia game.
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