Teatru Pentru Prichindei, Mari, Mici Si Mititei
Teatru pentru prichindei mari, mici si mititei este o colectie de piese de teatru destinate atât teatrelor profesioniste pentru copii, cât si spectacolelor scolare sau cluburilor de teatru. Volumul este semnat de Sînziana Popescu si include patru piese premiate si produse pe scena (de catre Teatrul National din Târgu Mures, Teatrul Ion Creanga, Teatrul Municipal din Baia Mare si Teatrul I.D. Sârbu din Petrosani) sau la Teatrul National Radiofonic. Teatru pentru prichindei, mari, mici si mititei (Theater for big, small and tiny tots) is a collection of four plays written in Romanian - Life as a Story, Slipping into a plum, Mr. Chocolate Man and When toys say bye - to be performed for young audiences on a professional stage or by children in their own classrooms or childrens theatre group. In Life as a Story a boy and an actor find out why the characters from the Land of Tales are disappearing and how could they help them. The play was awarded the Prize for Young Drama at Camil Petrescu National Contest, organized by the Romanian Ministry of Culture in 1996. Life as a Story has had the premiere at the National Theatre of Târgu-Mures in 1997, directed by Kincses Elemér. The radio script was produced and broadcast by the National Radio Theatre in 1999, directed by Mihai Lungeanu. Slipping into a plum - a little boy learns from a plum stone how to befriend his older brother. Slipping into a plum won the 1st Prize at the National Radio Playwriting Competition held by the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Society in 1999. The radio play Slipping into a plum was produced and broadcast by Romanian National Radio Theatre in 2000, directed by Mircea Albulescu. Mr. Chocolate Man tells us the story of a gluttonous girl who discovers by her own what happens with the children that take candies from strangers. The play received the Grand Prize at the drama contest of the International Drama Festival for Puppets and Marionettes Gulliver, Galati, 20
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