Technologies For Livelihood Enhancement
Twenty five s in this book are grouped into six sections: o    setting the stage: topics relevant to livelihoods context, o    crop agriculture, o    vegetables and fruits, o    animal sciences and fisheries, o    agroforestry, o    other livelihood options. Section on setting the stage topics relevant to livelihoods context (s 1-4) deals with a range of livelihood options, and addresses the issue of livelihood promotion, protection, and sustenance including under the emerging scenario of climate change. This section also deals with corporate social responsibility and the criticality of water as fundamental to livelihood The second section on crop agriculture (s 5-9) highlights the relevance and importance of technologies that have the potential of boosting productivity of food, feed and horticultural crops for enhancing livelihood security and quality of life of farmers. Discussion here deals with approaches for combating abiotic and biotic stresses for improving production stability and efficiency with focus on combining productivity with stress tolerance. Importance of weed management and early warning systems for disaster management is also highlighted for safeguarding livelihoods. The vegetables and fruits section (s 10-14) discusses use of traditional and emerging technologies, hybrid technology, green-house and related protected cultivation technologies, and appropriate policies to empower farmers to boost their income. Protection against insect-pest and deployment of disease tolerant crops not only improves socio-economic status of farmers but also ensures cleaner environment. Realizing the vast potential of animals and fisheries for reducing poverty and enhancing livelihood, the next section has five presentations (s 15-19) covering issues ranging from cold water fishes to highlander yak. The importance of cattle, the relevance of veterinarians and the criticality of currently available and futuristic technologies is also underlined. Where relevant, the
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