TEXTS (1994-2017)
Recommended title by the Croatian Association of Artists-Zagreb. Among the most popular titles at the Booko.info for New Zealand, USA, Canada, Finland & France (August 2018).It is a selection of the painter Alfred Freddy Krupa notes and articles created in the period from 1994 to 2017, concerning the practical aspects and application of water-based painting and drawing techniques, and their deeper and original interpretations from the position of a European academically trained artist (New Ink Art Movement) and through the prism of the latest scientific theories in the field of theoretical physics. All texts have already been published in printed form or on online portals and magazines and/or used in the teaching process (Drawing and Painting, Formation Theory) as well as separate lectures (Expressions in Painting Materials). The texts contain a Croatian original, as well as illustrations - works of the author of this book (photography by Danko Fajt, Matea Štedul, and others) intended for a wide readership, from beginners, students to researchers of finer aspects of artistic thought (Art Theory). - Odabir zabilješki i clanaka slikara Alfreda Freddy Krupe pisanih u razdoblju od 1994 do 2017 godine, a u svezi prakticnih aspekata i primjene vodenih slikarskih i crtackih tehnika, te njihove dublje i originalne interpretacije s pozicije europskog akademski školovanog umjetnika (New Ink Art slikarski pokret) a kroz prizmu najnovijih znanstvenih teorija s podrucja teoretske fizike. Svi tekstovi su vec objavljeni u tiskanom obliku ili na online portalima i magazinima, te/ili korišteni u nastavnom procesu (Crtanje i slikanje, Teorija oblikovanja) kao i zasebnim predavanjima (Izrazi u slikarskim materijalima). Tekstovi sadrže i hrvatski izvornik, te ilustracije - umjetnicke radove autora ove knjige (fotografija: Danko Fajt, Matea Štedul i drugi) namijenjene širokom citateljstvu, od pocetnika, studenata do istraživaca finijih aspekata umjetnicke misli (Teorija umjetnosti).
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