The Action of Fire on Soils - With Information on Burnt Clay, Moor Burning and Brush Burning


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This text contains a detailed treatise on the action of fire on soil, with information on burnt clay, moor burning, and bush burning. This fascinating text contains a wealth of information on the various methods and outcomes of burning different types of soil, offering the reader insights into the scientific aspect of the practice. It is a book that will greatly appeal to those with a keen interest in soil science, and its practical aspects. The chapters of this book include: Clay Burning, Paring and Burning, Field Experiments on Burn Soils, Refractories of Clay, Burning of Moorland, Moor Burning not Necessarily Exhaustive, Effects of Fire on Peat, Experiments on Burnt Moors, Thin Moors not Fit for Burning, Brush Burning, etcetera. We are proud to republish this antique volume, now complete with a new introduction on soil science.
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