The Adventures of Big Head Bob - Transform Weakness into Strength
Bob, the oddly large-headed boy, has trouble in everyday life just like you and me. The Adventures of Big Head Bob is a fun rhyming experience. By way of meditation and clear thinking, he learns to use his weaknesses as strengths. Bob transforms into a stronger, happier friend. Bob loves you and WE LOVE BOB!The big head signifies more than just big head. Its a metaphor for big ego, anger issues, anxiety, weight problems, or whatever your perceived imperfection. This story is about the process of stopping, taking a breath, and through perspective, learning how to positively evolve. It is important that Big Head Bob is translucent and not any particular race or color. His religion is people. The goal is to be inclusive in every way, please enjoy!Web: www.bigheadbob.com IG: @BigHeadBobFB: www.facebook.com/iambigheadbobTwitter: @iamBigHeadBob
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