The Adventures of Cobasfang
In the long awaited second book in a three-book trilogy David Walker, the action packed saga of The Adventures of Cobasfang Raid on Norgon City follows Ty, Torg, and Normacks incredible adventure as they make their way back into the action-packed fantasy world of the Shadow Forest. But this time, their mission is clear. They have to find a way to stop the self-proclaimed Lord of all Norgons, Lord Drockmar, and his never-ending thirst to rule over all who live within the worlds below ground. His plans to by release his hordes of rat ridding creatures and rip the Crystal Mountain apart was about to be unleashed.With war looming in the cold, heartless caves and the fate of every creature teetering in the balance, Ty reached out to Queen Lylah for the help of a few Royal Zintarian Guardians. His plan was to sneak into the heart of Norgon City undetected and steal the cursed black sapphire from around Drockmars neck that he uses to control his hordes.But Ty was never a fool. He knew if they failed, there wouldnt be anyone left to stop Drockmars bloodthirsty desires to reign supreme. So, he came up with a back-up plan. A plan harder to pull off than teaching a pig to fly. Ty knew that before they invaded Lord Drockmars lair, he had to return home and seek his villages aid to help turn the tide of war if they should fail.At first, everything was going as planned until the Guardians left the safety of the great city of Zintar. That was when the fantasy world of The Shadow Forest raised its unforgiving claws and began slashing Tys team apart. They never made it far until the action swelled up and surrounded our warriors. Within a few short hours after leaving the gates of Zintar, Ty had already lost half his team. But quitting will never be an option.David Walker, The Adventures of Cobasfang Raid on Norgon City wont end without a fight! 
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