This life-changing book clarifies many of the most interesting, misunderstood and important subjects of the Bible. The anti-Christ and Gods two end-time witnesses. The timing of the Rapture of Jesuss Church, His second coming. What will the end of the world be like? How close to the end are we? When the world ends, what happens next? A chronological layout of the end-time judgments of Daniels Seventieth Week, which is usually regarded as the Tribulation Period; this period of seven years is the end of the world as you know it. A chronological layout of the battle of Armageddon, including the third coming of Jesus. Where is the USA in Bible prophecy? Who is THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS in the book of Revelation? A chronological layout of end-time events beginning at the end of Daniels Seventieth Week: who is going into the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus? And whos not? Will immortal saints marry in Heaven or on the earth, during Jesuss Millennial Kingdom? At the end of Jesuss Millennial Kingdom, will immortal saints marry on the New Earth in eternity? The Great White Throne Judgment. What does it mean to be baptized for the dead? Does the Old Testament have any authority over New Testament Christians? Have Holy angels ever married? Will Holy angels ever marry? In Genesis, who were the sons of God that took them wives from the fair daughters of men? Where did the giants of the ancient world come from that were here after the worldwide flood? Polygynous marriage is Lawful in the Old Testament and the New Testament. What is the difference between the worlds Christianity and the Words Christianity? Does God allow women to serve as office-holding pastors in His Church? Does God still speak to His Church through prophets? After divorce, who is eligible to remarry? And whos not? Who is the Holy Ghost? What is adultery of the heart? Is it a sin to masturbate? Dinosaurs in the Bible. Did Jesu
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