The Bibliographers Manual of American History- Vol I
THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO THE ERUDITE COLLECTORS, THE TRAINED LIBRARIANS, AND THE AFFABLE BOOKSELLERS OF THE UNITED STATES In the division of life, there is time present, past and to come, what we do is short, what we shall do is doubtful, but what we have done is certain and out of the power of fortune.-Senrcta. In a conversation, some ten or twelve years ago, had with the Author of this valuable compilation I mentioned the necessity of such a work as we now have before us. Having employed my time for the last forty years in cataloguing and preparing libraries for sale at auction, I had long felt the want of a work of general reference on the State, Town and County histories of our country. Their number had increased rapidly, and their importance had become so great, that I felt the want of a receptacle to store away the information of their rarity and peculiar importance that had been gathered by the various Bibliogaphers for the last two centuries- receptacle where one could go and find information in reference to any history that might come into his hands. My argument was conclusive, and to-day we have the most valuable Bibliography that has ever been placed before the American public. For the Librarian it forms a most usefill guide to the value as well as the importance of the history. To the collector it shows what books can be had. To the bookseller it gives a knowledge of their value, and to the historian it shows just what books can be had in reference to the history of any State, County, Town or Territory. Dr. Bradford is a deep student, and has entered on this field fully equipped with the importance of the subject, as well as being aware of the immense labour necessary to compile a work which could be relied on. For ten or twelve years he has laboired on the book, with the enthusiasm that only a RibliophiIe knows, until he has reached its completion, being satisfied that the result will confer a boon on all those interested in the study and collecting of
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