The busy world of Bees
The busy world of bees is a great teaching aid and fun too. It explores the natural history of bees from egg through larvae and cocoon.The special tasks that queens, drones and workers have are explored in detail. Including the life stages of workers, which sees them develop from cleaner, to robber. New ideas, words and natural processes are explained with full colour illustrations.The use of, and value, of Latin in nature study is demonstrated with a simple example. In addition to honeybees their relatives the bumblebee are described. This section highlights some little known facts about these docile furry insects.Adults find the series layout and fun style satisfies children's curiosity and opens a new way of learning. Rounding it off for the children are a quiz, hints on explorer kit, pages to colour a note page and a waggle dance game. TooWoo makes learning easy and fun. The Illustrations combined with fact activity and storytelling are a novel way to introduce nature study. A list of more advanced books and reference web sites is included.
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