The Cats Be Unemployed
The Cats Be UnemployedA Millennials Topsy-Turvy Chase for Gainful Employment; or,A Generations Catalog of Conundrums When we are young andun(der)employed,we mayfind ourselves in desperate or humorous situations trying to chase some cash.We become curiousabout ourselves andoursocietyand question what it really means to be an adult.We begin to compare ourselves to othersor to cats: livingbackat home, sleeping all day, going crazy,not wearing pants,pawing at that mouse.We arealwayson the hunt.We areconstantlyput inboxes.We are frustrated by closed doors. The Cats Be Unemployedtakes you throughoneMillennialstopsy-turvy chase to find gainful employmentafter cat walking right into theGreat Recession.Kristins twenties are spentprecariouslyenduringunemployment fivetimes withina sixyear span,whilefighting throughbait andswitchscams,unreliablejobs andgigwork,questionable policies,rocky relationships,and herown quarter life crisis. Throughacollection of essays combiningpersonal stories,extensiveresearch,andhumor, she examines thesocioeconomic landscapethis generationlives with, buthasthepotential tochange.Sheprovides insightful analysis ondisconnects that surround education, healthcare, pay rates, company culture,andour perceptionsversus realitiesof theworkingworld.Join Kristin inan eye-openingdiscovery of the catalog of conundrums aspiring adults face after graduation.The Cats Be Unemployedreflects on and examines socioeconomicissues that aspiringadultsencounterconstantly: Grievances and hilarities of beingun(der)employed Disconnects between educationand the actualities of the workplace Counterproductive companycultures Scams that target the vulnerable Company drug testing Stagnating job growth, creation andpay rates Effects on relationships when lostand broke Healthcare options and dilemmasFrustrations when working withrecruiters Kooky living situations Coming of age with ever-changingtechnology and social media The Quarter Life Crisis
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