The Complete Poetical Works - Of Oliver Wendell Holmes
Originally published in 1872. The Complete, Poetic Works of OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. PUBLISHERS NOTE: THIS Edition of The Complete, Poetic Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes is the fourth in a series which includes the poems and dramas of Longfel low, Whittier, and Browning. It follows in its scheme the plan of the previous volumes. The editor was at some disadvantage in not being able to avail himself of the Life of Dr. Holmes which is now in preparation, but the frequent autobio graphical passages in the writings of the author enabled him to illustrate a career devoid, even more than that of most poets, of adventure or dramatic incident. The head-notes, in like manner, could frequently be supplied from comment occur ring in the authors prose writings and in prefaces to separate publications of poems, but very many of the poems are so self-explanatory that the reader requires IM> introduction. The policy has been pursued, as in the former cases, of taking the latest collec tive edition issued in the poets lifetime as the pattern to be followed both in text and in arrangement, but the opportunity has been used to include a few poems which were written after the latest edition appeared or had by some accident failed to receive the authors attention when he was making up his final collection ; no attempt, however, has been made, in gathering the early poems, to go outside of the volumes in which they were originally included. It is assumed that Dr. Holmes when making up these volumes intentionally disregarded some of the poems scattered through periodicals. This is confirmed by the attitude which he took when his attention was called to the omission upon the occasion of the issue of the Riverside Edition. He refused to give them a refuge even in an appendix. The arrangement here is the same as in the Riverside Edition, with some slight modification, chiefly caused by the introduction of new material. In accordance with the plan of this series and with Dr. Holmess origi
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