The Complete Space Buffs Bucket List
The Complete Space Buffs Bucket List book is fourth in the Bucket List book series. Of course it talks about the usual things like great museums, planetariums, astronauts, space suits, rockets, planets, and stars. But it also has duct tape, Tang, Cosmos, movies, space burial, Astronaut Ice Cream, Biosphere, aliens, and the Meteorite Crater. Each Bucket List book is dedicated to an appropriate non-profit and this book highlights The National Space Society. If you have things on your bucket list that are not in this book, no fear, because there is a blank list in the back of the book. This book is a fun and light space book that will appeal to astronauts everywhere. As a space shuttle astronaut, I was blessed to experience space from a very unique perspective. But my passion didnt end at the last Wheel Stop call. As it is for many of us, theres a gene in my Being that continues to command me to look up and wonder. With The Complete Space Buffs Bucket List I now have a new resource to map my way back into space. - Mike Mullane, NASA Astronaut (Ret.), Author of Riding Rockets: The Outrageous Tales of a Space Shuttle AstronautLorettas The Complete Space Buffs Bucket List: 100 Space Things to Do before You Die is an excellent list of exciting and worthwhile things to do in your lifetime, either alone or with your family or friends.... I recommend this book and the magical 100 items on the list for everyone regardless of age, space experience, or knowledge. - Dr. David Livingston, Host of The Space Show
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