The Courage to Come Back
I wrote The Courage to Come Back book to offer some hope and inspiration to other brain injury survivors and also to their family members and to also let the general public know about the benefits of hyperbaric chambers.I also hope that by sharing my story with others, it will give them the fire within to keeping fighting for every inch and every step in their journey of rehab and recovery.I hope that my story inspires people to be the best that they can be to other individuals and that they appreciate fully what others have done.As a result of my injury, I am in a very good position to share my experience with others, as many doors have closed behind me and now I must open up new ones, create new friendships, and other contacts.I have created The Michael Coss Brain Injury Foundation to assist children undergo HBOT therapy as I was given a second chance at life and now it is my turn to give back to others.As a result of my injury, I feel that I am a better person, stronger, and better equipped to deal with lifes curve balls and my experience with a TBI, I see as nothing but a speed bump along the road.My book was written to pass along key learnings as to what it is like to have sustained a brain injury to other brain injury affected individuals and their families. It will also give hope and inspiration as the road back is a long, frustrating journey, with many speed bumps along the long winded road. And lastly, it is to educate the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy to the general public and to spread the word on The Michael Coss Brain Injury Foundation.The journey back is a long frustrating journey for TBI affected individuals and their loved ones. If I can simply take their mind off their current situation for a short brief moment and interject a little distraction, maybe even perhaps a little bit of humor then I will be content giving back to society with my key learnings and story.Unfortunately, there is no magic solution or a pill that one
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