The Crisis of Art
1st English translation from the Russian: The Crisis of Art, an insightful booklet of 47 pages by the Russian religious philosopher Nicholas Berdyaev in 1918, originally comprised 3 articles. The present English text has been expanded into 9 related articles written by Berdyaev during this period, arranged into a threefold triadic schema. The 1st triad of articles in the present text are those contained in the original 1918 Russian text. The cover article, The Crisis of Art, serving also as title to the booklet, examines cultural trends in art, both visual and literary, such as Symbolism, Decadentism, Cubism, Futurism (Filippo Marinetti) with mention of now obscure figures as Chiurlenis. Both Picasso visually and A. Belys 1916 Peterburg novel give expression to the disintegrative features of the modern consciousness. The second triad of articles concern the Russian cultural figure, Vyacheslav Ivanov, mentioned in the initial article, concerning the lost aspect of theurgy in art, and attempts to recapture this in light of Nietzsches Dionysianism. A culture as such in its dynamic youthful origins developes from within the cultus, the religious cult, and later ossifies losing its vitality. But such attempts at recapturing this initial experience typically prove artificial, prove to be mere affectations of culture, of the genuine experience, in Berdyaevs critique of Vyach. Ivanov. The third triad of articles further addresses this defect. The article on A. Belys 1910 novel, The Silver Dove, is a chilling account of a member of the Russian intelligentsia, intellectually very sophisticated but empty of soul and bearing, becoming involved with a Russian Khlysty-like sect, the Doves. The second article, written abroad in 1923, addresses A. Belys reminiscences of the Russian poet Aleksandr Blok (died 1921), and a failure at a discerning of spirits among the cultural element. The final Berdyaev article, on the obscure French Cat
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