The Davey Dialogues
Linking Science and Science History with Culture - Essential Science for the Non-scientist. The Davey Dialogues is an easy-to-understand history and background to key discoveries which have altered our perception of the universe and of ourselves, couched as a dialogue between the writer and a mysterious extra-terrestrial being with an agenda that may surprise you. Now, for the first time ever, we can delight in a coherent story about us and our universe. What the physicists and the philosophers, the economists and the ecologists, the anthropologists and the animal behaviouralists, the religious historians, the neuroscientists and the biochemists are telling us by and large falls into place to provide a consistent story of the development of the universe and of humanity. Of course the story is not yet complete. There is much more yet to discover and understand, but the outlines are there in ample detail. The dialogues provide background on the historical development of carefully selected scientific topics which are important to our understanding of ourselves and our surroundings. Amongst the questions discussed are: What do we know about our universe and how did we find out? How do we know how old it is, and, for that matter, how far away individual stars and galaxies are? How might life have originated? How does life replicate and change over time? How did religion evolve and why? To what extent do our brains resemble computers? How do we remember faces, facts and figures, and how do we think laterally? Do we have a free will? What is happiness and how can we maximize it? [A] rich, intelligent . . important book . . . clearly written. J. Fraser Mustard, CC, Founding President, The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. For more information please visit the web site at: www.thedaveydialogues.com
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