The Democratic Trend Phenomenon
For over three decades our countrys electorate exhibited the effects from a major political realignment. The consequence of this realignment was a little known or possibly unknown phenomenon pertaining to the popular vote for president. The unique phenomenon was that the popular vote for the Democratic candidate for president trended in a predictable pattern from 1972 to 2000 (if the election of 1976 is disregarded). In fact, the trend was so predictable that the popular vote for the Democratic candidates, in the elections of 1992, 1996, and 2000, could have all been determined in 1988 with an accuracy of 99% or better. During this same period of time the Republican candidates popular vote displayed no predictable trend and fluctuated from election to election. This extraordinary pattern has been deemed by this author as, The Democratic Trend Phenomenon. This book describes the cause of the phenomenon, measures its predictability, and outlines the future effects, including Barack Obamas historic election.
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