The Dynamics of World Class Football - Soccer
The football / soccer players who reads this manual seeks perfection -those who implement its ideas have found it. This inspirational worldclass training, and playing football / soccer manual uses a designed, anddeveloped systems approach in the formulation, analysis, and solution ofunsteady state football / soccer phenomenon - in conjunction with chosenbasic engineering fluid and particle dynamics principles incorporatingAnalogies, with mental psychology for CONTROLLING the game -and shows how they are all interconnected.This manual transcends imagination and originality. Simple to follow - the manual focuses on the systems as one unit,and how the experience of the coach, in relation to the player, and team-mates interact for discipline on and off the pitch, and accomplish learning. Bring into sharp focus those fine points, which enable the players toapply the fundamental principles correctly, confidently, consistently, andwith continuity - for example, Newtons laws for complete ball control.A qualitative, and quantitative understanding of the application of theprinciples to realistic problems in training and playing are particularlyemphasised. It guides the players into forming organised patterns ofdefence, and attack - DEFINES THE DEFINING MOMENT IN DEFENCE: and THE DEFINING MOMENT OF THE FINAL BALL.Helps the players to develop character, and to achieve the ability toGEL together to play good exciting free flowing attackingNEWTONIAN football - soccer with breath-taking displays: beautiful at its most intense - played in the TRUE SPIRIT of the system - a thing of beauty is joy forever. This unique brand of Newtonian football/soccer theplayers likes to play, and the fans likes to watch - the right way how football/soccer should be played: always wanting more of the same. Numerous simple mathematical examples are worked out in detail to illustrate some of the basic principles t
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