The Epistle of Christ
Frank Binford Hole (1874-1964), evangelist, teacher and author, for many years edited and contributed to two periodicals: Edification and Scripture Truth, and wrote and published books and pamphlets from the Central Bible Truth Depot. In 1937 he was invited, along with other leading teachers of the time in the Brethren movement, to contribute to a series of meetings over four consecutive days on Christians attitudes, aspirations and activities as they wait for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Notes taken during the meetings were revised by the participants, then edited by Mr Hole, giving a unique insight into the character and content of the event. The thoroughly Bible-based approach to the subject has much to teach us today. With Bible in hand, follow each scripture as it is expounded, and learn what it really means to be Christs letter to the world in the twenty-first century.
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