The Eulogist, Comforting Words for Catastrophic Wounds
I encourage all persons who have been in the ministry forfifty to sixty years, like I have, and those who are coming inon an entry level to bless your library by making sure thatyou have this manual by Dr. Michael Bell. You will be doingyourself a real favor to have an effective guidebook that willstop you from stumbling through a funeral, but will teachyou the art of conducting an effective funeral. This book hasnothing but my blessings and Im sure that it will be a blessingto unborn generations who will enter into the ministryas it points out to them the art of conducting a Christianfuneral. The art of conducting a funeral period, Christian ornon-Christian because all people deserve to be comforted,it is a must that you make this book a part of your personallibrary. - Dr. Alfred C.D.Vaughn
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