The Executive Meeting
No one knows the day or hour when Christ will return!The Bible reminds us there will be rumors surrounding his second coming and instructs us to not believe them. The only one who knows when this will happen is the Father. Are you prepared? Are you ready to meet Jesus in the air? The living and the dead in Christ will meet Jesus: the ultimate Executive Meeting. Only the born-again believer will meet Jesus as he sounds the trumpet of God. The unsaved will not be part of this holy gathering.Christ wants you to be part of this meeting. It is God’s desire that everyone spend eternity with him; that none will perish. If you are not saved, it is not too late to turn your life over to Jesus. Together we can have eternal joy with our Savior.“As a business owner and a follower of Christ, I found myself turning page after page, eager to read the wisdom written. The concept of Christ being the ultimate CEO intrigued me from the beginning. Using his example, I am becoming a better author, business owner and first and foremost, an example of living a life dedicated to serving Jesus Christ in all I do.”  Darlene Shortridge, Author and Business Owner“…Mark makes an awesome parallel of great leadership qualities, and the great leadership qualities of Jesus Christ, who was and is a great leader…I get lots of requests to write forewords for books, which I can’t always accommodate, but this one immediately captivated me. I now know that it was because of the connection to Christ, and the many years I have spent in leadership positions, writing and speaking on this important subject…”   Herman Cain, Ordained Baptist Minister, Speaker, Author, Presidential Candidate, and Fox News Contributor (Just a few of his many accomplishments)MarkLanton.com
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