The Gospel of John (the Bridge Bible Translation)
In the Gospel of John, discover the light of life.This fresh and faithful, easy to understand Bible translation highlights the most critical moment of all human existence when Jesus Christ—the Son of God—appears in human history. See how God reveals His truth and displays His illuminating light to the world through Christ. The Gospel of John: The Bridge Bible Translation will help you understand more of God’s magnificent revelation of redemption to the world through Jesus Christ.In The Gospel of John: The Bridge Bible Translation, discover how God’s light has come to dispel the darkness of our world. Learn how God’s light offers us a life richer and fuller than we can even begin to imagine. Discover how God’s light has come to not only offer a new kind of life that eternally endures but also encourages our continuing experience of that life right now. With The Gospel of John: The Bridge Bible Translation you will be able to experience the fullness of Jesus and God’s message to you in a new, deeper, and more complete light. If you are interested in learning more about the new kind of life that God offers, then this new, easy to read, easy to understand Bible translation of the Gospel of John is for you. 
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