The Great Pink Hunter
'Babe' meets 'Heart of Darkness.'– Pig Breeders' NewsKevin Hunter, a crass Australian advertising exec turned renowned tribal art collector, travels to the wilds of the mythical island of Malaka with his personal biographer, to find the mysterious Gopi people, a reclusive tribe of brilliant artists and retired pygmy headhunters.To achieve cut through with the native tribes, Kevin has taken to wearing bright pink safari suits, his first rule of advertising being 'Have a point of fuckin' difference!'Having had little contact with Westerners, the Gopi elders are both impressed and envious of this wealthy, honey tongued philistine and they give Hunter creative control over their tribal art and artists. With unlimited power, Kevin Hunter, the frustrated creative, commercialises the Gopi's traditional art to make it 'more accessible,' thus sending the artists in a direction that threatens to destroy thousands of years of tribal culture.Where Kevin Hunter is corrupted by power and control, the Gopi are naively led into a school of popular art. To market his 'new wave primitive' brand, Kevin finally realizes his ambition and takes the Gopi artists to New York City with disastrous consequences.
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