The Kingdom of Heaven is Within us
This book was written 30 years ago and is my understanding of what heaven may be like... I believe heaven may be the collective consciousness of all humans. So no single person has the whole picture. Coming to terms with where my children went when they died haunted me for years. So I wrote down in black and white just what I thought. In my mind, I had a whole universe to explore. I went from planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy in my mind. I found comfort in believing we are all here to learn our lessons. Our lessons being ours alone, when we leave this earth, we do not stop learning. To get past my grief, I had to stop imagining my loved ones suffering loneliness. I believe each part of heaven I visited in my mind was an absolute amazing trip. After writing all of this, while playing soft music, I shared it with people I knew who were dying. I saw their faces transform from pain and fear to comfort and peace. I also used it in guided imagery to help people that were stuck in the ten stages of grief. I see my children exploring the universe more alive than they were here on earth. I look forward to reuniting with them soon.
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