The Last Goodbye
The Last Goodbye is a semi-autobiographical story about loss and nostalgic reminiscence of childhood. The son sets off for boarding school over the years and later makes the long trip overseas to begin his career. Whether at the bus stop or at the airport, his father is always there to see him off on his journeys. When the son realizes he should spend more time with his father, he finds his father very ill and misses his opportunity to bid his father a final goodbye.Images of the orchid served as a visual metaphor for the transformation of the father, from how his son remembers him while growing up to the sad discovery that his father is no longer there to greet him. Surrealistic approach is applied on some pages to reflect the sentimental, bittersweet mood of the story. Emphasis is placed on storytelling and the passage of time.The Last Goodbye was selected as one of the eight finalists at the Silent Book Content of Bologna Childrens Book Fair. Bologna Childrens Book Fair is the worlds leading professional fair for childrens books and is one of the three major book fairs in the world along with the Frankfurt Book Fair and the London Book Fair. The international jury of the Silent Book Content is made up of professional designers, illustrators, and curators form Italy, France, Belgium, and Spain.
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