The Life of Trust
The narrative of the Lords dealings with George Müller were a series of volumes that have blessed many. The present volume is a more manageable version edited by Rev. H. Lincoln Wayland. EDITORS PREFACE: Having been requested by Messrs. Gould and Lincoln to examine the work entitled A Narrative of some of the Lords Dealings with George Müller, the Editor was convinced that its republication in this country would greatly promote the piety of American Christians. But to reproduce the work in its original form was attended with difficulty. The Narrative, in four parts, (published respectively in 1837, 1841, 1845, and 1856,) and the four Annual Reports issued in 1857, 1858, 1859, and 1860, would occupy not less than eighteen hundred pages of the size of those contained in this volume. The cost of such a work would greatly limit its circulation and its usefulness, if indeed any publisher should undertake its issue. There seemed no alternative except to abandon the idea of an American edition altogether, or to present it to the public in a condensed form. Such a condensation seemed, on examination, to be entirely practicable. Owing to the Parts of the Narrative having been published at four separate periods, it often happens that the same matter is several times repeated. A large portion of the space is occupied with the acknowledgment of donations received. These entries, although appropriate in a report made to the donors and to the British public, have not the same interest for American readers. The discussion of some points in church polity, and the account of the Authors journeys upon the Continent, though interesting and instructive, are not necessary to the continuity of the history. Although in some cases the portions which have been omitted cover a considerable period of time, yet it is believed that all which is essential has been retained. No pains have been spared on the part of the Editor to preserve the value of the work while reducing its co
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