The Magic of Africa
DescriptionThe Magic of Africa is divided into the following sub-sections: Introduction The countries: Benin, Nigeria, The Sudan (Darfur) and Kenya Disease The voice of Africa The Eden of Africa The countries: Each country is introduced with general information and a description of different etnic groups. I recount some our adventures into the depths of the bush, black magic ceremonies, the everyday life of the villages, folk art, festivals and many other aspects. Disease and The voice of Africa: These sections address the main problems with a view to drawing more attention to the problems of Africa. The Eden of Africa: Natures untouched harmony can still be found here. It is impossible to forget the thrill of adventure and the beauty of the landscape. We had many encounters with wildlife. Africas unique flora and fauna are in urgent need of protection. My aim is to prompt the reader to think again about the major problems of drought, famine, infected water, disease, poor hygiene and the lack of development, which still abound in Africa. Little has changed, even to this day. The real focus of the book, however, is the people of Africa, whose lives are portrayed through this collection of beautiful photographs. These photos are touching, colourful, and truly transport the reader into The magic of Africa.
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