The Method
Title: The Method Genre: Graphic Novel Crime NoirLogline: A down-and-out LA actor with a knack for impersonations finds his circumstances completely reversed by a chance meeting with a look-alike stranger. Synopsis: The MethodA down-and-out LA actor with a knack for impersonations finds his circumstances completely reversed by a chance meeting with a look-alike stranger. After a night of drinking with his new friend discussing the possibilities made possible by their similar appearance, the stranger offers the actor a ride home. On the way there is an accident and one of them is killed. The survivor finds himself in the hospital with amnesia and everyone assuming hes the stranger, the right-hand man for a mob boss. The survivor plays the role thats expected of him, despite the fact that doubt about who he is, weighs heavy on his mind. Life becomes a balancing act between the role he finds himself playing and the search for who he really is: the down-and-out actor or the mob consigliere? The Method Web Page: http://bit.ly/1Bs8RK7Teaser Video: http://youtu.be/xAMySWG_Dc0Cast of Assorted Sinners: http://youtu.be/cdz3cHD0PNMSample Audio for Chapter 1: ?http://youtu.be/VFTvQQhq_jc?a Whats Coming Soon In The Method UniverseThe ComeuppanceWhen mob boss, Carmine DeSalvo, finds out his accident-prone, amnesiac right-hand man, Arnie Bernardo, isnt who he thinks he is; when he decides Arnies girl, Lonnie, is too tempting to resist; and when hit men, Vito and Sid, figure Carmine is past his best before date; somebody ends up dead. Lets not forget the guy running the mobs movie operation is skimming.Grist For The MillThings get complicated for Detectives Grist and Dime when they run into a case of murder that reeks of California corruption. When wannabe actress, come party girl, Lizzie Short, turns up dead on a beach behind a prominent studio executives home, a creep that works for ex-mobster Arnie Bernardo, anything is possible. Finding a murderer i
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