The New Living Message
The Holy Bible: The New Living Message Version © (NLMV) is a ground- breaking interpretive translation-paraphrase of the Holy Bible developed on commission of the Compassionate Faith Foundation, Inc., working directly from all known existing public domain English and Latin translations of the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic texts. However, the NLMV goes beyond simply bringing our cherished scriptures into modern times by conversion of archaic linguistic terms such as “thee” and “thou” into the contemporary vernacular.The commission presented was to develop a new and vibrant English language version of the Holy Bible that demonstrates the relevance of God’s Word to new generations living in the modern world, to reconcile where possible the language of scripture to the realities of our continuing discoveries in science, physics, mathematics and cosmology; to recognize that the moral lessons which God sought to teach His children in their cultural infancy must inevitably become more complex and developed as our understanding of God’s Creation, and of ourselves, becomes more mature. The NLMV seeks to convey God’s message of faith, healing and compassion to the modern world we actually live in, rather than the ancient world and times in which it was first delivered to humanity. It is in this world, and in this time, that we must seek to understand the meaning and relevance of God’s message to us. God, as any good parent, certainly wants his children to grow and mature in understanding, knowledge and appreciation of His Creation and His message.
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