The Political Punter
Whos going to win the next UK general election? Whos going to be the next US president? The next president of France? You probably have an opinion, but are you willing to put money on it?In this unique new book Mike Smithson, the man behind politicalbetting.com, takes a detailed look at the world of political gambling. From the basics of how and where to gamble to the characteristics of the main markets and the forms of betting available.The hard fact that usually only the bookmakers win in the end and the gamblers usually lose applies to the body of all punters, but it is clear that over time the performance of some punters is greater than others and those with good political skills and an understanding of how betting markets operate can and do make money.The objective of this book is to assist readers to become part of that group and to enjoy themselves at the same time! The latter is an important element. For many the great satisfaction of betting on political outcomes is not just the money but the pleasure of being proved right. Anybody can have an opinion about a political outcome. The gambler has put money behind it and winning is a way of validating your judgment.For those who already bet on political matters the book includes a number of case histories where it is hoped that the lessons of the past might be helpful for the future. The explanations of the mechanics of different forms of betting and a wide range of betting options should also make you feel more confident to try new things.For non-gamblers with a keen interest in politics the book will provide enough background to allow you to dabble a bit and to get a better feel about possible political outcomes by understanding how those who are backing their opinions with cash are actually thinking.For people who gamble and would like to know more about political betting the book will provide an information platform so that you can be more confident about risking your money in a new arena.Co
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