The Power of Prayer a Science Educators Experience
Take an inspirational journey with Dr. Dana M. Barry, a scientist, educator, and spiritually strong woman, who believes in The Power of Prayer. Dr. Barry, through her work and study, is accustomed to logic, proof, and facts. However, her faith and prayer are endless and extraordinary. Danas spiritual side is what gives her life purpose, joy, and meaning.Barry presents amazing examples of unique and astonishing responses to prayer. Citing references from the Bible, the Saints, and Mother Teresa, her book is an enlightening and beautiful rendering of her own personal, spiritual journey. After reading, you will be inspired to begin your own journey, embrace the healing and wondrous power of prayer, and believe in the eternal love of God.Dana M. Barry, Ph.D. is an author, science educator and chemist. Dr. Barry, the senior technical writer and editor at Clarkson Universitys Center for Advanced Materials Processing and scientific board president for Ansted University, has served as a visiting professor overseas. She is a member of St. Marys Parish in Canton, NY.In her most recent book, The Power of Prayer: A Science Educators Experience, Dr. Barry draws on her professional experience and reflection on her unique personal religious experiences to provide the reader with an inspiring message about the power of prayer. The telling of the story of her faith journey encourages the reader to find God in the routine of life and know that the Lord has a plan for each of us. -Rev. Terry R. LaValley, J.C.L., Rector, St. Marys Cathedral, Ogdensburg, NY
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