The Ramifications of Innovation Singularity
Across polarized cultures, the use of innovations must be framed as part of a greater mosaic—a larger, difficult conversation. In the end, what questions we ask are equally as important as the answers we receive. Personal and cultural dependence on innovations, at a time of rising nationalism and populism, will usher in startling consequences shattering ideals of business, ethics, strategy, behaviors, and individual privacy.This book is delivered as a casual conversation, narrated by a transferred human intelligence, M7D. This intelligence brings to the forefront critical realities, questions, potential scenarios, and downstream ramifications. Retaining every emotion of his human life, M7D adds a personal dimension to our innovation ramifications. M7D was, after all, one of us.We have reached a state of innovation where we can no longer just trust our eyes, our ears, our readings, and our senses. Innovation has created “deep” ramifications. It’s time to sound the alarm.In our rush to acceptance of innovative trends, products and solutions, we are frequently discovering that our embrace of “new” comes with consequences—positive and negative. Innovations are changing our cultures, spearheading movements, and even, altering a foundation of human interaction and touch.Today, we can create artificial intelligence, augmented realities, global dialogues, risk mitigations, terrorism responses, and even download our brains into “the cloud”. Yet, are we prepared for the impacts of these innovations? Do we comprehend what influence they have on our decisions? Are these innovations all necessary, and is it contributing to wealth divides?Innovation ramifications have been here for centuries—now they arrive at a non-stop pace. This book is delivered as a casual conversation, narrated by a transferred human intelligence, M7D. This intelligence brings to the forefront critical realities, questions, potential scenarios, and
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