The Scars That Built Me
Even through traumas and hardship, there is a way out. There is a bright future ahead. You can get through it, & survive it, and you can come out healthier and happier on the other end. Youll need to have faith and try to stay positive along the way. When you survive a narcissistic relationship, one way or another, the key goals are to:·      Regain your independence mentally and physically·      Find who you are and build your life in a positive way·      Maintain physical and mental wellnessWhen you are in the middle of a horrible relationship, these things can seem so far away. You feel weak, you feel broken, and you feel like you are incompetent like the narcissist has made you feel for so long. You dont feel mentally well; you are stressed out the majority of the time. You have no hope that things will be better, and your health also starts to slip. When you finally achieve these things listed above, you feel free. Freedom is having the collection of your own thoughts back and not living in fear every day. We look out in the world and see people happy and thriving, and we dont think we can get there when we are living with the trauma and all of the stress. When you get through these steps and heal yourself, it is an extraordinary sense of freedom.It is my hope that this book helps many other survivors
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