The School of the Spirit
The messages in this book were prepared for Sunday morningpreaching—this is a sermonic study of the Holy Spirit. Each chapterformed the basis for a Sunday morning sermon at Parke MemorialPresbyterian Church, Evansville, Indiana. Built on sound interpretiveprinciples and procedures from an evangelical stance, these studies wereprepared for laypersons not necessarily for scholars or exegetes. TheDoctrine of the Holy Spirit is of interest to all with questions aboutsuccessful Christian living. The Holy Spirit is the Person and Power forspiritual success. As a believer, God does not expect you to do just thebest you can in your journey of faith. God the Father and God the Sonsent the Holy Spirit to be the spiritual dynamic in that journey. God toldZerubbabel, Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lordof hosts (Zechariah 4:6). It is the challenge of each believer, therefore, tofully embrace the Spirit of God and experience all the blessings God hasfor His children.
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