The Secret Dossier of a Knight Templar of the Sangreal
The Revised Edition includes New Photos, Star Charts & Information in the last chapter:  The Stars of the MagdaleneThe wild breadth of information reaches from King Arthur in Cumbria, the marriage of Mary Magdalene & Jesus to new observations on Bernard de Clairvaux.  The Man who put swords in the hands of Cistercian monks and created the most enigmatic chivalrous Order of all time - the Knights Templars, modeled on the Knights of Camelot.The descendants of the Templars thrive in Cumbria, a landscape steeped in the mysteries of the Dragon Tradition found in the lore of Camelot. The ancient lost kingdom of Rheged in Cumbria is the historical setting for the Knights of the Round Table. Lake Windermere is the home of the Lady of the Lake.Melusine is an early medieval elf maiden of fountains and springs with the ability to transform into a dragon. She is the inspiration for the Lady of the Lake of Arthurian tales. Noble houses of Western Europe counted her as their ancestor. I believe her to be an allusion to Mary Magdalene. Melusine was also the ancestor of the banking family so important to the Italian Renaissance, the Medici.The Magdalene line of kings called the Merovingians, springs from the French King, Merovee 374 AD to 425 AD, whose dual fathers were King Clodio and also a magical aquatic beast reminiscent of Neptune.Napoleon had a great interest in the Merovingian dynasty. He wore 300 golden bees on his coronation robe which had been excavated from the tomb of King Childebert II (570–95). Napoleon wove Templar symbolism into art and architecture, aligning himself with Templarism.The Templar Contact interviewed for the book is a Medici descendant and also of the Man in the Iron Mask, a true account made famous by Alexander Dumas.The author was given an Energetic Map of the World which correlates with the Ordnance Survey National Grid of Great Britain and includes historic and modern Templar sites!The Matrix Map of the World is e
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