The Seven Apocalyptic Seals
These seven powerful images, seen by Rudolf Steiner in the spiritual world, are sign-posts revealing the dynamics underlying the evolutionary journey of the human soul, from a primordial past into wonderful future Ages. Rudolf Steiner’s explanations are given in two lectures. One lecture is from the Theosophical Conference of May 1907 in Munich, when the seals were displayed, the other was given in September of that year.His words unveil the profound meaning of these images, and show how significant they are. For those who engage with them deeply, they can strengthen the resolve to persevere on the spiritual path, because they are like a roadmap, signalling to us what the future has in store.All of Rudolf Steiner’s explanations on the seals are presented here.The 7 seals are reproduced in full colour.An extensive Commentary is provided by Dr. Anderson, who shares his insights into these images from a study of all of Rudolf Steiner’s 53 lectures about the Book of Revelation.Especial attention has been paid to the German texts, helping to clarify various obscure sentences in the official transcript of the lectures.A4 size, 100 pages, 10 illustrations, 8 in full colour, with an Index and Glossary
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