The Simple Guide To Diabetes
The Only Guide You Need To Prevent, Manage or Reverse DiabetesDo you want to reverse your Type 2 diabetes?Do you want to lower your chance of developing type 2 diabetes?Would you like to discover the dietary changes you need to make to improve my health and effectively manage your diabetes?...If you answered yes to the above questions, then you NEED this book. Often, when people are diagnosed with diabetes, whether it be Type 1 or Type 2, it can be overwhelming. The amount of information available nowadays is vast, whether on the web or provided by doctors. What better than to have all the information in an easy to read, accessible format. Amazon #1 bestselling author, Barbara Trisler, does exactly that in this simple and yet comprehensive guide!In this book, you'll discover:How insulin controls your blood sugar levelThe different types of diabetes, their causes, symptoms, complications and the different treatment(s) required for each type.The factors that increase your risk of getting type 2 diabetes (and why)The profile of people that are most at risk of developing prediabetes and gestational diabetes22 myths about diabetes that perpetuate unhealthy practices that may lead to more problems (we debunk all of them!)4 effective diabetes prevention and management strategies8 Types of equipment you need to consider purchasing to help manage diabetes6 exercise routines suitable for diabetics (as well as those you need to avoid)A detailed weight loss guide for diabeticsMeal plans that will help you to minimize the risk of developing diabetes and other health conditions (including 5 Key characteristics of a diabetic meal plan)Types of food to eat and those to avoidThe correct way to distribute your calories per mealSimple, delicious and healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes for diabeticsA macronutrient conversion table to he
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