The Simple Scripture Journal
Help the kids in your life learn more of God's Word every day. Give them this adorable cat notebook for writing Bible verses and understanding scripture daily. This simple scripture journal for girls provides 2 pages per week (1 page front/back) with organized boxes to write a Bible verse every day. It won't overwhelm a child with details, but it will help them get organized and focus daily on learning scripture.Three great ways to use this weekly bible verse journal: 1) write one brand new scripture a day - that's 364 Bible verses when it's full! 2) write the same Bible verse all week long as a tool for memorizing scripture 3) write Bible verse notes for homeschool bible curriculum, Sunday school, or youth groupThe Simple Scripture Journal lasts 52 weeks (one year) and has a sturdy matte finish cover with over 100 durable cream colored pages. It is an easy-to-carry 6x9 inch pocketbook size - just right to fit in most backpacks or Bible bags. This cute weekly Bible verse journal is recommended for kids ages 7-11 who are reading and writing and is ideal for doing with assistance from a parent, grandparent, older sibling, Sunday school teacher, etc. You can also find the matching prayer and gratitude journal versions too for a complete set to use as a Bible study tool.
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