The Tabernacles Typical Teaching
Algernon James Pollocks classic volume is an exposition of types - people, places, objects, events, offices, activities and institutions - connected with the Tabernacle, the Priesthood, the Offerings and the Feasts (particularly as described in the first five books of the Old Testament) which foreshadow their corresponding New Testament antitypes - most particularly Christ Himself. The author wrote in a postscript to the first edition: The reward of this modest volume will be if it whets the appetite of the reader, leading him to desire to know more of these wondrous subjects. The theme is delightful indeed as it leads the heart into contact with Christ, subduing it by a deepening sense of the meaning of the death of Christ, leading out at the same time the affections of the heart to Him to Whom the believer owes everything for time and eternity. Elsewhere he once wrote: We appeal to our readers, especially young men and women, to give the Bible a fair trial. Read it, study it, and seek earnestly the truth. The publishers commend this book to you as an aid to such study, confident that as you read, your appreciation will grow of the wonder of the One who is indeed the Tabernacles true Theme, and is Himself the Truth.
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