The Truth About Gods
The marjority of the worlds populationbelieves there is a God.Some people believe in many gods whileothers believe in only one God.There is also a growing number of people who believe God does not exist or is just a figment of the human imagination.What is the truth? Who is right?The author of this book has relentlessly searched for the truth.For people who want to know the truth this book will reveal it to them.In the modern educational system we are teaching many or most children there is a God or gods, but if God does not exist, then we are misleading children all around the world.In the meantime, the Earth is continually becoming a more endangered planet and our ability as a species to face the truth about the existence of God may be the difference between us destroying this planets environment or protecting it for future generations.It often takes courage to face the truth but honesty is a great virtue which should be encouraged and treasured by us all.
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