The ultimate Mediterranean diet cookbook


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? 55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $ 15.29 instead of $ 33.97! LAST DAYS! ?Are you looking for a perfect diet? If so, then this is the right book for you!The Mediterranean diet consists of three or four main food groups. Each group contains seven-nine or ten recommended servings-depending on age and gender-that can be consumed in any order. Eating all these servings together will ensure you are getting enough fats, carbohydrates, protein and fiber. The exceptions are dairy products and fish oil supplements (EPA-enriched).The main sources of dietary fat in the Mediterranean diet are olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocados, and fish. On average, men should have about 20% of their daily caloric intake from total fat while women should consume about 30%. Some countries (the United Kingdom and Ireland) recommend a limit of 15% total fat to ensure adequate intake of essential fatty acids while avoiding unhealthy levels of saturated fats.The Mediterranean diet is also rich in dietary fiber. The highest recommended daily intake is 30 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories consumed. While most sources recommend getting about half of your fiber from fruits and vegetables, the Mediterranean diet also stresses the importance of whole grains and legumes.This book covers:·        Breakfast·        Lunch Recipes·        Snacks·        Dinner Recipes·        Meatless Meals·        Appetizer·        Sides·        Vegetables ·        DessertsAnd much more!? 55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $ 15.29 instead of $ 33.97! LAST DAYS! ?You will Never Stop Using this Awesome Book!Buy it NOW and get addicted to this amazing book
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