This children's book came to life when one night I was telling my sons a bedtime story. This night seemed to be pretty special with the way I came up with the story of The Zebracorn because of the stuffed animals they had laying around on the bed. As I was making this story up in my head something clicked and then that's when I decided it would make for an amazing children's book.As Zizou trails a golden beam, he comes to find the most beautiful thing he's ever seen in his life - a unicorn. This unicorn doesn't really like Zizou too much, so he decides to play a trick on him, by sending him on a quest with a false promise - letting Zizou think he can become a unicorn if he makes it to the Fairy Queen.Zizou completes three trials to make it to the Fairy Kingdom only to find out he was lied to by the unicorn. The Fairy Queen feeling empathetic toward Zizou does something that hasn't been done in a thousand years - she blesses him with the Magical Shard of the Unicorn which gives him wings and the skill of flight so he can get his next blessing from the Giant King. Zizou goes to meet the sad and lonely Giant King who seeks good conversation and companionship. The Giant King takes a liking to Zizou for him being so determined to fulfill his goal and decides to reward Zizou with the second Magical Shard of the Unicorn which gives him golden horseshoes and the ability to walk on stars so he can travel to the Starry Kingdom.When Zizou makes it to the stars, he gets lost but eventually finds the Starry Kingdom where he finally meets the Unicorn King. Zizou is told that he cannot become a unicorn because these are the rules of the unicorn world. Only one unicorn is allowed per galaxy and seeing as how there was one already in Zizou's galaxy (the unicorn that tricked him,) there is nothing that can be done. Zizou heartbroken, but unrelenting, tells the Unicorn King that he doesn't want
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