Theoretical Fundamentals of Atmospheric Optics
The book describes the theoretical fundamentalsof atmospheric optics as a science of propagation,transformation and generation of electromagneticradiation in the atmosphere from ultraviolet tomicrowave radiation. The main characteristics ofthe planets of the solar system and theiratmospheres are given. The equation of thetransfer of radiation in different spectral ranges,absorption of radiation by atmospheric gases andaerosol,molecular, aerosol and other types of nonresonantscattering , atmospheric refraction,reflection of radiation from the surface, and glowof the atmosphere are discussed. Methods ofcalculating radiation for the solar and thermalrange of the spectrum are outlined. Problems ofradiation energetics and remote probing of theatmosphere are discussed.1. Solar system: planets and the Sun2. Earths atmosphere3. Propagation of radiation in atmosphere4. Molecular absorption in atmosphere5. Scattering of light in atmosphere6. Optical properties of underlying surfaces7. Fundamentals of theory of transfer of naturalradiation of atmosphere8. Main concepts of theory of transfer of solarradiation9. Radiation energetics of the atmosphereunderlyingsuface system10. Radiation as a source of information on opticaland physical parameters of planet atmospheres
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