Theory at the end times
The great economic and political failure of the XXI century had left an open wound in the already diminished optimistic view of the future (seen as unrealistic after the prediction of upcoming massive weather catastrophes that will be triggered due climate change, phenomena caused mainly by anthropogenic activity. Unfortunately, this activity is deeply linked to the production forces that are close indicators of development). Also in the frantic search of pragmatic solutions, the theoretical inquiries had lost its appeal or had been put on a side. This has to change. The theoretical activity needs to flourish in order to tackle not only the gap that exist between the general population and the people in power, but also to liberate itself from its institutionalized form who controls it and dictates what is of importance to know. Theory needs to be something that everyone with the will could grasp. In this book I will try to expose the vital function of the theoretical activity, and why it could be the only savior we have left.
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