There Will Be War Volumes I & II
Created by the bestselling SF novelist Jerry Pournelle, THERE WILL BE WAR is a landmark science fiction anthology series that combines top-notch military science fiction with factual essays by various generals and military experts on everything from High Frontier and the Strategic Defense Initiative to the aftermath of the Vietnam War. It features some of the greatest military science fiction ever published, such Orson Scott Cards Enders Game in Volume I and Joel Rosenbergs Cincinnatus in Volume II. Many science fiction greats were featured in the original nine-volume series, which ran from 1982 to 1990, including Robert Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, Philip K. Dick, Gordon Dickson, Poul Anderson, John Brunner, Gregory Benford, Robert Silverberg, Harry Turtledove, and Ben Bova.33 years later, Castalia House has teamed up with Dr. Pournelle to make this classic science fiction series available to the public again. THERE WILL BE WAR is a treasure trove of science fiction and history that will educate and amaze new readers while reminding old ones how much the world has changed over the last three decades. Most of the stories, like war itself, remain entirely relevant today.This omnibus edition contains THERE WILL BE WAR Volumes I and II.Volume I is edited by Jerry Pournelle and John F. Carr, and features 23 stories, articles, and poems. Of particular note are Reflex by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, the original Enders Game novella by Orson Scott Card, The Defenders by Philip K. Dick, and a highly influential pair of essays devoted to the then-revolutionary concept of High Frontier by Robert A. Heinlein and Lt. General Daniel Graham.Volume II is edited by Jerry Pournelle and features 19 stories, articles, and poems. Of particular note are Superiority by Arthur C. Clarke, In the Name of the Father by Edward P. Hughes, Caster by Eric Vinicoff, Cincinnatus by Joel Rosenberg, On the Shadow of a Phosphor Screen by William Wu, and Proud Le
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