These Things Will Never Happen Quite Like That Again
“In this sense-rich, threshold-crossing, body-wise, girl-to-woman story, the lyricism of the verse novel allows for fluidity between internal and external impressions. Wonderfully grounded in concrete descriptions of cooking, crafting and motorcycle riding, it is the space between words and the ideas suspended in the titled chapters that makes way for the heightened or expansive awareness that the narrator realizes. It is through her sense-rich and supersensible realizations that she can experience the beauty of what will never happen quite like that again.”   —Michael Ventura & Jazmin Aminian Jordán“In this vital new collection of poems by Ash Good, desire for the sacred, desire for oneness with the Beloved, becomes a journey and a story. This journey/story begins with visionary observations such as ‘the universe fits in that two-man tent,’ and concludes with the epiphany-like acknowledgment of ‘the gauze/of the thing/that connects everything.’ Here, inner life and outward existence—spirit and body—are both given their due in a voice as spare and natural as Gary Snyder’s, as insightful and alchemical as Rumi’s. Open These Things Will Never Happen Quite Like That Again, read it cover to cover, and enter the sacred and sensuous space created by this gifted poet. You will want to reside there.”—Gail Wronsky, author of So Quick Bright Things
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