Thinking Translation
This book is a collection of selected articles based on talks given by established academics and translators, as well as younger researchers, at the third postgraduate symposium organized by the School of Literature and Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia, UK. The objective of the third postgraduate translation symposium at the University of East Anglia was to explore the current relevance of theory to the practice of translation. This volume builds on the key ideas and discussion that arose from the symposium, bringing together, amongst others, the current debates concerning the complex relationship between theory and practice in the field of translation studies, taking into consideration a wide range of perspectives, both modern and traditional. A broad cross-section of research exploring the present relevance of translation theory to practice is presented by many of the individual contributors to this volume. These papers provide both current theoretical insights into the relevance of theory to translation and also, in some examples, offer first-hand experiences of applying appropriate strategies and methods to the practice and description of translation.
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