Time, Matter And Values
THE JOHN CALVIN McNAIR LECTURES TIME, MATTER, AND VALUES THE JOHN CALVIN McNAIR LECTURES FRANCIS H. SMITH God Manifest in the Material Universe. FRANCIS LANDEY PATTON Authority and Religion. DAVID STARR JORDAN The Stability of Truth. HENRY VAN DYKE The Poetry of Nature. ARTHUR TWINING HADLEY Some Influences in Modern Philosophic Thought. FRANCIS G. PEABODY Christian Life in the Modern World. GEORGE EDGAR VINCENT The Social Vision. JOHN DEWEY Philosophy and Politics. FREDERICK J. E. WOODBRIDGE The Purpose of History. HUGH BLACK The Great Questions of Life. EDWIN GRANT CONKLIN The Direction of Human Evolution. PAUL SHOREY Platos Relation to the Religious Problem. CHARLES ALLEN DINSMORE Religious Certitude in an Age of Science. ROSCOE POUND Law and Morals. WILLIAM Louis POTEAT Can a Man Be a Christian CHARLES REYNOLDS BROWN A Wording Faith. THORNTON WHALING Science and Religion Today. HARRIS E. KIRK Stars, Atoms, and God. ROBERT ANDREWS MILLIKAN Time, Matter, and Values. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS CHAPEL HILL, N. C. THE BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY, NEW YORK OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, LONDON MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA, TOKYO EDWARD EVANS SONS, LTD., SHANGHAI D. B. CENTENS WETENSCHAPPELIJKE BOEKHANDEL, AMSTERDAM TIME, MATTER, AND VALUES BY ROBERT ANDREWS MILLIKAN, PhD. T CHAPEL HILL THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS 1932 THE McNAIR LECTURES The John Calvin McNair Lectures tuere founded through a bequest made by Rev. John Calvin McNair, of the class of 1849. This bequest became available to the University in 1906. The extract from the will referring to the foundation is as follows As soon as the interest accruing thereon shall by said Trustees be deemed sufficient they shall employ some able Scientific Gentle man to deliver before the students then in at tendance at said University, a course of lectures, the object of which lectures shall be to show the mutual bearing of science and theology upon each other, and to prove the existence and at tributes, as far as
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