To Live in Hearts we Leave Behind is not to die. Remember When
 A priceless "in memory" gift. Send this instead of flowers or sympathy card.When you know you are going to miss someone, take the time to tell their loved ones.Bring this to the celebration of life event. Give this to the family to pass around.Better than a sympathy card, or flowers that will wither away. A keepsake book with inspirational quotes and room for friends and family to write their favorite times. Cheap as a card, but space for everyone to write a beloved memory.A touching parting gift to remember a loved one,Sympathy quotes to help loved ones and warm thoughts to remember,Celebration of Life eventsWakesPass it around the group and present at the end of the day. A priceless way to capture memories.A thoughtful gift from the heart. Product Details:•Hardcover Guest Book , Large Square 8.25 x 8.25 sizeBeautiful cover designPrompts to help remember when:Formatted interior with prompts to help others write messages, memories or funny moments.•.Quality paper #60"A perfect gift.""I never know what to take to send when a good friend passes away, this is way better than a card." 
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