To Moroni With Love
To Moroni With Love, is a loving, yet straightforward message to the millions of people who call themselves Latter-Day Saints. It is a message of great importance from one former Mormon to those he left behind. His powerful conversion to Christianity has birthed this truth in love message, which has seen tens of thousands saved by grace through faith in Christ. Because of his deep love of Christ and passion to see the lost set free, Ed has brought this message of hope to a tragically lost people. Mormons are a people who are trying their best to serve God. They have been deceived by the laws and ordinances of a false gospel. It replaces the free grace of Jesus Christ with dead works and temple ritual as they try to earn their way into heaven. Ed Decker has meticulously studied Mormonism for 45 years and implores readers to take a look into the basic doctrines of Mormonism. See for yourself what permanently separates Mormonism from true orthodox Christianity.
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